Today’s day-to-day work pressure and running after money for a luxurious life are dragging us to a very common disease called ‘Depression’. It is no more an unidentified and uncommon disease in human life. We are quite acquainted with that very word and also suffering most of us due to this disease.
Depression is caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. Like any serious medical condition, depression needs to be treated. To fight against depression we need to understand the cause behind it. Before discussing the cause, it is to be mentioned that study has shown that it is not just state of mind but also physical changes caused by the imbalance of a certain chemicals i.e. Neuromitters.

Factors causing depression are listed below:- 1) Trauma and Stress: Few common traumatic situations of the which can not be avoided can bring depression, e.g.- sudden demise of a loved ones, split up of relationships, sudden experience to view any accidental or shocking scenes, sudden falling in financial condition etc. People can also get depressed even on normal has-to-be matters like getting married, passing out from school or colleges, starting a new job.
2) Pessimistic personality: Low level depression which is also known as Dysthymia causes by low-self esteem and negative outlook or thinking.
3) Family History: Depression can be caused due to genetic condition. Research has proved that often depressed mother’s gene can cause depression to her baby.
4) Physical Conditions: Any medical conditions like Cancer, HIV or any non-curable diseases can lead any patient to depression. Sometimes during pregnancy mothers feel depressed due to some hormonal changes.
5) Other Psychological Disorders: Anxiety disorders, anorexia, schizophrenia and especially substance abuse line up with the depression.

Mood Swing related to Depression: Psychiatrist can detect depression by seeing the major shortfall in patient’s behavior or lifestyle:-
1) Feeling sadness, irritability or tension unnecessarily.
2) Feeling of worthlessness, guilt or hopelessness.
3) Attempting suicide frequently.
4) Change in eating habit or appetite disorder, causing obesity or underweight syndrome.
5) Either restlessness or slowed down in work.
6) Decreased ability to take decisions or loss of concentration.
7) Loss of energy, feeling tired despite lack of activity.
8) Sleeping disorder, either insomnia or sleeping too much.
9) Loosing interest in regular activities and strong feeling of monotony.
Let us now disclose few terms related to depression :

Dysthymia: People who have it may feel mildly depressed on most days over a period of at least two years.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: It is the recurrence of the symptoms during certain seasons that is the hallmark of this type of depression.

Postpartum Depression: It is a type of depression that can occur in women immediately after delivery. It normally persists just few months after delivery but can continue a year long for some cases. It is, hence, different from “Baby-Blues” which occurs the first few days after delivery and resolve spontaneously.

Bipolar Disorder: It is previously known as “Manic Depression”. The bipolar is now used to indicate 2 poles, or extremes. If the North Pole is mania, then the South Pole is depression.

Ratio of depression among people: Women are on the top of the list and become depressed double the count of men. It is mainly due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, menstruation, menopause etc. Risk of depression is lesser in men than women. They are more likely to go undiagnosed. Due to this, suicidal attempt is four times more likely than women. Elderly people, after losing their loved ones become depressed due to loneliness. Other family members attribute the signs of depression as the results of ageing. They become reluctant to take to the consultant. Youngsters of today’s generation face the disease due to their high ambition or failure in love relations.

Brain transmission during depressive disorder: Human brain is made up of billions of nerve cells called neurons. Neurons send and receive messages from the rest of the body parts by using neuromitters, chemicals of a brain.
When depression happens these chemicals can not deal with the messages correctly, causing miscommunication in between human brain and human body.

Treatment tips: 1) Start taking anti depressants. Although it takes time to reciprocate but you can feel better within a couple of weeks.
2) Without consulting your doctor, do not discontinue antidepressants once it starts working.
3) It may take long term treatment, but stay adhered to it, it will work.
Some more tips:
• Think positive and be optimistic
• Do not let any external factor to disturb your mind and snatch the peace of your life.
• Be involved in work which interests you.
• Make an effective social circle and discuss something positive and fruitful with them.
• Do not take any drastic step while worried.
• Give yourself ample amount of time to delve deeper into the problem and solve it.
• Do not hesitate to take expert’s help.
• Try meditation and little yoga.
So, after a long discussion here is to conclude that life is yours and life is beautiful. Every one has the right to enjoy it. Be anything causing negative with your life, you make yourself armed to fight against the cause. Almighty has given immense power within us. Life is a mystery. Do not get perplexed. Try solving it, and stay happy. Enjoy!

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