Tai chi is the form of martial art. It can also be said that it is a kind of moving meditation. It is originated in China during 12th century. In the form of martial art, Taoist monk Chang San-Feng first introduced Tai Chi. Different movements in Tai Chi is derived from the movement of snake and crane in the battle field.

Tai Chi is actually the combination of flexible exercise, aerobics, balance and weight-bearing exercise. This form of meditation is very smooth and gives excellent flexibility to the body.
Tai Chi is widespread worldwide because of its balancing act of mind, body, and spirit. It is said that it is a safe and low-impact martial art, which can be practiced individually or in group.
According to Chinese Philosophy, this entire world contains two elements called “Yin” and Yang’. Yin is the representative of femininity, coolness, and stability. While Yang hold qualities of masculinity, brightness and fire. According to this philosophy, life energy, which is also termed as ‘qi’ should flow properly and freely throughout our body so that it can maintain the emotional and physical health of the human being.

Tai chi has shown its benefits in cardiovascular health, stress, anxiety, respiratory problem, high blood pressure, arthritis, certain pains etc. Aged people can get benefited by practicing Tai chi and can regain their flexibility, balance and strength.
Tai Chi is the combination of breathing, movement, and meditation. Thus, Tai chi has a good effect on health.
Since it is a weight-bearing exercise, it benefits in making certain muscle groups stronger, which leads to more strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, endurance to the human body.

Since it is an aerobic form of exercise, thus it helps to improve cardiovascular health. It helps to flow more oxygen in your heart thus it helps to reduce heart and cholesterol problem. Tai Chi breathing technique helps to improve lung capacity and flow of oxygen.
Since it is meditative technique, it helps to rejuvenate your concentration, emotional health, and also blood pressure.
Tai Chi also helps to improve overall immune system and digestion problem.
You can practice Tai Chi for few weeks or few months according to your need. But before joining any class for Tai Chi, you should consult your doctor. It will definitely show its good result.