Among any other diseases, eye diseases are one of the alarming diseases to the human body. According to the research, more than twenty million Americans suffer from cataract over the age of 40 years and ten million Americans over the age of 60 suffer from eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration or shortly AMD.
The main causes behind this kind of eye disease are growing age and improper daily diet.
Cataract takes place due to the lack of protein in the lens. These proteins helps prevent the blurring of the lens. AMD takes place when macula cells get damaged. Those eye diseases can be prevented if you’re taking proper diet.
What are the healthy diets for better eye health?

Major nutrients linked to prevent eye problmes are carotenoids,lutein, beta carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, zeaxanthin, zinc; and vitamins C, E, B9 (folic acid or folate),B6, and B12. Certain antioxidants like lutein reduce the risk of AMD with the production of waste product in retina.
Just check out few healthy foods, which are good for eye health:
Fruits and vegetables are important becasue they are the source of vitamins C and E.
Dark green vegetables like spinach (source of lutein, vitamin E), kale etc
Orange and yellow and fruits and vegetables, which are the source of zeaxanthin and beta carotene
Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are herring,tuna, mackerel, anchovies,salmon, trout, white fish, and sardines
Sources of zinc are eggs, beef,lamb,pork, whole grains, peanuts, and milk
Vitamin B6 is found in chicken,pork,fish,bananas,dried beans,potatoes
Vitamin B12 is found in eggs, shellfish, meat, and dairy products
folic acid is found in fortified cereals,dried beans, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms,liver, peas, and nuts
Carbohydrate diet with high glycemic index like white rice, pasta, and white bread are not good for eye health as they might raise the risk of AMD. Instead, it is better to take brown rice, whole grain pasta and breads.
Nutrition Supplements treating eye problem

Certain nutrition supplements like high doses of beta carotene, vitamin E, zinc,and copper are good to prevent AMD at intermediate stage from reaching advance stage.
But it is always advisable that taking leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and fishes are good for eye health instead of going for any supplements.
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