Looking great and becoming head turner with the proper make-up and dress is desirable to every woman. It becomes very imperative after certain age and stage of your life that you should know what make-up you should wear and how you should look good. But do you know the fact if your skin is not healthy from inside it becomes very difficult to look great even after putting on right kind of costly and branded make-up.
Thus, taking care of skin and sorting out the problem of different skin type is very important. It is not only the matter of facial skin; you need to take care of your skin of the entire body. To find the solution of your skin and body issues, you should know what the main problems are and how to get rid of them.

Rough and Dry Skin: Skin should glow and shine while you put on make-up. But with rough and dry skin, make-up doesn’t look good. To supple your skin, you have to do proper scrubbing, followed by toning and moisturizing every day. You should not forget to take care of elbow and knees while taking care of dull and dry skin.
Black heads: Removing blackheads from nose and other areas of your face is mandatory. Blackhead is the resultant accumulation of dirt, dust, dead skin, and sebum or oil, which gets cumulated in the open pores of the skin. So to keep pores hydrated, you should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. You should wash your face with plain water. You should choose a good scrub for exfoliation followed by other cleansing regime and moisturizing routine.

Back-ne: Back acne is a huge problem these days. To get rid of it, instead of using good odorous body wash , use some scrubber to rub your back, then apply salicylic acid pad on back acne after the back gets dried followed by moisturizing process.
Skin flakes:Flakes can be seen in many faces and lips due to dehydration and pollution. To stay away from it, take good amount of water every day, take care of your cleansing process, and try to make your skin dirt and dust free.

Never forget to remove make-up before hitting the pillow. Never forget to wash your face after coming from outside. Nowadays air is much polluted. So taking care of skin on regular basis will definitely give you good result.
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