Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, which happens due to the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelium is the term, which is used to describe membranes of the different organs of the body. Mesothelial tissue acts as the protective tissues of the organs. Different mesothelia of the body include:
The pleura- covering the lungs
The pericardium- protecting the heart
The peritoneum-surrounding the abdominal cavity walls
The tunica serosa uteri-covering the internal part of female reproductive organs
The tunica vaginalis testis- encasing the internal part of male reproductive organs
This cancer can happen in any of the mesothelia, but it is mostly seen in the pleura.
Risk factors of Mesothelioma
The main risk factor of Mesothelioma is the long-term or short-term exposure to the asbestos. When asbestos fibers are deposited at the bottom of the lungs due to continuous exposure to the asbestos then it becomes cancerous to the pleura. It happens to the mesothelia of other organs of the body as well. It can further be triggered by other factors like over-smoking tendency or family history.
Inhaling asbestos fibers on the long-term basis are included those person who are exposed to asbestos due to their work and they are:
Manufacturers of asbestos products and textiles
Asbestos miners
Heating and construction industry workers
Workers in the shipyard
Even people with short-term exposure to the asbestos can get this disease. For example, asbestos removal workers, firefighters, drywall removers, automobile workers, demolition workers can also get this disease.
Though it is not known how the risk factor related to asbestos can be aggravated but it is said that certain parameters can determine the reasons, like:
Exposure to the specific amount of asbestos
Time span of the exposure
Types, shape and size of the asbestos fiber
Any other habit like smoking tendency
In this context, it is to mention that asbestos are of two types- straight fibers or amphibole and curly fibers or chrysotile. Both types of fibers can aggravate Mesothelioma. But according to recent research, amphibole asbestos are more responsible than chrysotile.
Other risk factors causing Mesothelioma:
Over-smoking habit is found to be one of the commonest risk factors of Mesothelioma
Sometimes this disease is related to genetic condition.
Thorium dioxide, which is X-ray radioactive contrast medium is found to be another risk factor for this disease.
Minerals found in volcanic rock, known as Zeolites, are found to trigger the possibility of pleural Mesothelioma
Simian Virus 40 (SV40) is also linked with the cause of this disease
Thus, when we know the risk factors of this rare disease so taking prevention would be easier for us now.
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