Friday, April 16, 2010
Who is killing us?
Today’s day-to-day work pressure and running after money for a luxurious life are dragging us to a very common disease called ‘Depression’. It is no more an unidentified and uncommon disease in human life. We are quite acquainted with that very word and also suffering most of us due to this disease.
Depression is caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. Like any serious medical condition, depression needs to be treated. To fight against depression we need to understand the cause behind it. Before discussing the cause, it is to be mentioned that study has shown that it is not just state of mind but also physical changes caused by the imbalance of a certain chemicals i.e. Neuromitters.
Factors causing depression are listed below:- 1) Trauma and Stress: Few common traumatic situations of the which can not be avoided can bring depression, e.g.- sudden demise of a loved ones, split up of relationships, sudden experience to view any accidental or shocking scenes, sudden falling in financial condition etc. People can also get depressed even on normal has-to-be matters like getting married, passing out from school or colleges, starting a new job.
2) Pessimistic personality: Low level depression which is also known as Dysthymia causes by low-self esteem and negative outlook or thinking.
3) Family History: Depression can be caused due to genetic condition. Research has proved that often depressed mother’s gene can cause depression to her baby.
4) Physical Conditions: Any medical conditions like Cancer, HIV or any non-curable diseases can lead any patient to depression. Sometimes during pregnancy mothers feel depressed due to some hormonal changes.
5) Other Psychological Disorders: Anxiety disorders, anorexia, schizophrenia and especially substance abuse line up with the depression.
Mood Swing related to Depression: Psychiatrist can detect depression by seeing the major shortfall in patient’s behavior or lifestyle:-
1) Feeling sadness, irritability or tension unnecessarily.
2) Feeling of worthlessness, guilt or hopelessness.
3) Attempting suicide frequently.
4) Change in eating habit or appetite disorder, causing obesity or underweight syndrome.
5) Either restlessness or slowed down in work.
6) Decreased ability to take decisions or loss of concentration.
7) Loss of energy, feeling tired despite lack of activity.
8) Sleeping disorder, either insomnia or sleeping too much.
9) Loosing interest in regular activities and strong feeling of monotony.
Let us now disclose few terms related to depression :
Dysthymia: People who have it may feel mildly depressed on most days over a period of at least two years.
Seasonal Affective Disorder: It is the recurrence of the symptoms during certain seasons that is the hallmark of this type of depression.
Postpartum Depression: It is a type of depression that can occur in women immediately after delivery. It normally persists just few months after delivery but can continue a year long for some cases. It is, hence, different from “Baby-Blues” which occurs the first few days after delivery and resolve spontaneously.
Bipolar Disorder: It is previously known as “Manic Depression”. The bipolar is now used to indicate 2 poles, or extremes. If the North Pole is mania, then the South Pole is depression.
Ratio of depression among people: Women are on the top of the list and become depressed double the count of men. It is mainly due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, menstruation, menopause etc. Risk of depression is lesser in men than women. They are more likely to go undiagnosed. Due to this, suicidal attempt is four times more likely than women. Elderly people, after losing their loved ones become depressed due to loneliness. Other family members attribute the signs of depression as the results of ageing. They become reluctant to take to the consultant. Youngsters of today’s generation face the disease due to their high ambition or failure in love relations.
Brain transmission during depressive disorder: Human brain is made up of billions of nerve cells called neurons. Neurons send and receive messages from the rest of the body parts by using neuromitters, chemicals of a brain.
When depression happens these chemicals can not deal with the messages correctly, causing miscommunication in between human brain and human body.
Treatment tips: 1) Start taking anti depressants. Although it takes time to reciprocate but you can feel better within a couple of weeks.
2) Without consulting your doctor, do not discontinue antidepressants once it starts working.
3) It may take long term treatment, but stay adhered to it, it will work.
Some more tips:
• Think positive and be optimistic
• Do not let any external factor to disturb your mind and snatch the peace of your life.
• Be involved in work which interests you.
• Make an effective social circle and discuss something positive and fruitful with them.
• Do not take any drastic step while worried.
• Give yourself ample amount of time to delve deeper into the problem and solve it.
• Do not hesitate to take expert’s help.
• Try meditation and little yoga.
So, after a long discussion here is to conclude that life is yours and life is beautiful. Every one has the right to enjoy it. Be anything causing negative with your life, you make yourself armed to fight against the cause. Almighty has given immense power within us. Life is a mystery. Do not get perplexed. Try solving it, and stay happy. Enjoy!
Eat Healthy, Live long
This article is not only the guideline for what to eat but also about how much to eat. Healthy eating habit gives us more energy for hard work. It improves our immunity to combat any kind of disease. Also of course not to forget, it gives us shapely body and delays our aging process. Thus, discussing about the connection between eating healthy and living long is not an odd topic, rather interesting.
So let’s have in-depth discussion about the healthy diet plan and one should know how much should be our daily intake.
Healthy diet chart
First we should know what kind of food is healthy for our overall health and how much to take.
Grains: Daily intake of grains should be at least 6 to 8 servings. Whole grain should be served at least 3 times a day. Grains include pasta, bread, cereal, rice etc. Amount of each grain serving should be like 1 slice of bread, 1 serving of rice, ½ cup of cooked or 1 cup of ready to eat serving of cereal, ½ cup of cooked pasta.
You can satisfy your tongue with the small amount of croissants, donuts, muffins etc once in a while.
Fruits and vegetables: Intake of fruit should be 2 to 4 servings and vegetables should be 4 to 6 servings. Fruits and vegetables have immense health benefit for its contribution in fiber, vitamin, and minerals to our body. Thus, taking fruits and vegetables everyday in a fresh, boiled or in cooked form with less oil is good for our health. Fruits and vegetables can be used in salad but use of fat laden toppings like butter, mayonnaise etc should be once in a while.
Meat, fish and nuts: Meat, lamb, fish, and poultry products should be cooked in low oil or steaming them is a better option. It is better to remove all kind of fats from them before cooking, and you can season them with herbs, fat-free marinades and spices. You should take them at least 2 to 3 servings daily.
Dairy products: Take dairy products like low-fat yogurt, cheese, and toned milk at least in 2 to 3 servings. One serving of milk or yogurt should be equal to 1 cup and cheese should not be more than 2 ounces.
You should not discard oil, fats and sweets from your diet. You should take it in moderation
Following this diet chart for a lifetime will definitely show you good result.
Drink water, Stay healthy
It is said, “Water is our life”. Truly, if water is not there we could not have survived on this earth. Life means it has included every beneficial aspects of water in the life of a living being. But here we will disclose the truth how water suffices our bodily need.
We can see how water comes out from our body through urine, sweating, and breathing. Thus, to keep a balance in our body water level we need to refuel our body’s water need through drinking water or water based substances like fluids, juice, watery foods etc.
Our body demand for water depends upon the factors like how much physical activity we do per day, what is the climate where we are living, what kind of a medical condition we are experiencing and many other reasons.
Benefits of water
Water is the protective agent for our body: When we hydrate our body by quenching our thirst, water helps to monitor our body temperature. It maintains our body tissues. Water hydrates certain sensitive part of our body like nose, eyes and mouth etc. It is also beneficial for our brain, blood and bones. Along with it, water protects our spinal cord. It works as the cushioning or lubricating agent for the joints.
Water is detoxifying agent for our body: Water flushes out waste products of our body with the help of urine, feces and sweat. Kidney and liver do the work of flushing out excreta from our body. Water makes the constipated bowel movement smooth and helps to move food in the intestinal tract
Water supports in digestion: Digestion starts from the enzyme present in the saliva. This saliva is water based. Enzyme present in saliva helps to break down foods and makes it digestible. Moreover, water makes fiber rich food more soluble and makes it easy to pass by softening it as a smooth stool.
Water hydrates our body: Our body loses water by different means like sweating; urine etc. Body becomes dry if any kind of illness like dehydration, vomiting etc takes place. Also water evaporates through sweating when we do vigorous exercise. Nursing mothers loses body water content when they breast feed their baby. Thus, in every situation more intake of water is highly recommended.
How to check water deficiency in your body
Experts say that check your urine color. If it’s clear then you’re perfect about water intake. If it’s dark in color then you should take more water.
Thus, it is seen how water affects our health. So, make sure that your body is properly hydrated with sufficient intake of water or any other fluid.
Eradicate eye problem with diet
Among any other diseases, eye diseases are one of the alarming diseases to the human body. According to the research, more than twenty million Americans suffer from cataract over the age of 40 years and ten million Americans over the age of 60 suffer from eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration or shortly AMD.
The main causes behind this kind of eye disease are growing age and improper daily diet.
Cataract takes place due to the lack of protein in the lens. These proteins helps prevent the blurring of the lens. AMD takes place when macula cells get damaged. Those eye diseases can be prevented if you’re taking proper diet.
What are the healthy diets for better eye health?
Major nutrients linked to prevent eye problmes are carotenoids,lutein, beta carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, zeaxanthin, zinc; and vitamins C, E, B9 (folic acid or folate),B6, and B12. Certain antioxidants like lutein reduce the risk of AMD with the production of waste product in retina.
Just check out few healthy foods, which are good for eye health:
Fruits and vegetables are important becasue they are the source of vitamins C and E.
Dark green vegetables like spinach (source of lutein, vitamin E), kale etc
Orange and yellow and fruits and vegetables, which are the source of zeaxanthin and beta carotene
Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are herring,tuna, mackerel, anchovies,salmon, trout, white fish, and sardines
Sources of zinc are eggs, beef,lamb,pork, whole grains, peanuts, and milk
Vitamin B6 is found in chicken,pork,fish,bananas,dried beans,potatoes
Vitamin B12 is found in eggs, shellfish, meat, and dairy products
folic acid is found in fortified cereals,dried beans, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms,liver, peas, and nuts
Carbohydrate diet with high glycemic index like white rice, pasta, and white bread are not good for eye health as they might raise the risk of AMD. Instead, it is better to take brown rice, whole grain pasta and breads.
Nutrition Supplements treating eye problem
Certain nutrition supplements like high doses of beta carotene, vitamin E, zinc,and copper are good to prevent AMD at intermediate stage from reaching advance stage.
But it is always advisable that taking leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and fishes are good for eye health instead of going for any supplements.
The best secrets to weight loss
Are your extra bulges raising your eye brows? Are your jeans not fitting you properly? Every exercises and all diet plans have failed to reduce your body weight.
Don’t worry! You can get your desired shape and targeted weight permanently. To know the best secrets to weight loss, following tips will help you thoroughly. Many overtiring exercises and crash diet have proved to be the worst way to loose weight. Just to get perfect body shape and weight, you need to be focused on regular routine of your life- like what you do and how you do. Just by changing few nominal habits you can achieve what you want.
Wake up routine: Try to wake up in the morning in a good mood and keeping your body posture straight without taking the help of your two hands. This simple change can help you burn at least ten calories a day.
Change in Breakfast: Choose some cereal over fried food followed by some high-protein diet. Try to avoid protein at night. It will help you to burn more than three hundred calories a day.
Stop munching fried options: In a daytime, if you feel hungry don’t go for fried option. Instead you can carry some fruits and salads with you all the time. If you crave for finger chips, why not then opt for low calorie chip to munch on.
Interval exercises: Do some squat and side or front bending whenever you’re leaving your workstation for a short break.
Parking trick: Park your car little away from your office. So that you can take little walk and keep your calorie-burning process on.
Add apple: Taking apple a day can keep you away from being obese.
Shop till drop: Make a good shopping plan and burn calorie by trying many outfits one after another. You need not to buy every time but trial won’t make you pauper for sure.
Climb up: Avoid lift and climb up stairs. It’s a nice way to burn body fat.
Start with Soup: Always start your dinner with clear soup. It will fill your tummy and clear soup has lesser calorie count.
If you just change and follow the above regime on a regular basis, then some times over eating in a lunch or dinner party won’t add up more fat in your body.
Solution to Your Top Skin and Body Issues
Looking great and becoming head turner with the proper make-up and dress is desirable to every woman. It becomes very imperative after certain age and stage of your life that you should know what make-up you should wear and how you should look good. But do you know the fact if your skin is not healthy from inside it becomes very difficult to look great even after putting on right kind of costly and branded make-up.
Thus, taking care of skin and sorting out the problem of different skin type is very important. It is not only the matter of facial skin; you need to take care of your skin of the entire body. To find the solution of your skin and body issues, you should know what the main problems are and how to get rid of them.
Rough and Dry Skin: Skin should glow and shine while you put on make-up. But with rough and dry skin, make-up doesn’t look good. To supple your skin, you have to do proper scrubbing, followed by toning and moisturizing every day. You should not forget to take care of elbow and knees while taking care of dull and dry skin.
Black heads: Removing blackheads from nose and other areas of your face is mandatory. Blackhead is the resultant accumulation of dirt, dust, dead skin, and sebum or oil, which gets cumulated in the open pores of the skin. So to keep pores hydrated, you should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. You should wash your face with plain water. You should choose a good scrub for exfoliation followed by other cleansing regime and moisturizing routine.
Back-ne: Back acne is a huge problem these days. To get rid of it, instead of using good odorous body wash , use some scrubber to rub your back, then apply salicylic acid pad on back acne after the back gets dried followed by moisturizing process.
Skin flakes:Flakes can be seen in many faces and lips due to dehydration and pollution. To stay away from it, take good amount of water every day, take care of your cleansing process, and try to make your skin dirt and dust free.
Never forget to remove make-up before hitting the pillow. Never forget to wash your face after coming from outside. Nowadays air is much polluted. So taking care of skin on regular basis will definitely give you good result.
Poodle skirt
Poodle skirt was the fancy of 1950’s woman of America. Its uniqueness of design and feminine fashion made this poodle skirt very popular.
It’s spun around design became the most-wanted skirt among dancers, and thus its full circle style caught the public demand. This in-vogue poodle skirt became the rage in teenage girls.
Easy to sew approach and low price of this felt skirt further made its furor on demand. French poodles became trend for its unparallel appliqués and involuntary color combination. These felt skirts also caught customer’s phantasm due to the silvery telephones and records surrounded by the words "See ya later, alligator".
People of 1950 used to get embellished with the poodle skirt and ponytail, and with chiffon scarves, crinoline petticoats, and cats eye glasses. This kind of petticoat under the poodle skirt used to give more feminine touch.
Poodle skirts with saddle shoes in the black and white oxford requiring more polishing were must-wear for teenagers during those days. Those shoes were accompanied by white cotton socks.
This kind of style statement was very popular among teenage girls in the malt shops and sock hops of the 50's. Many theme parties today can be based on this particular poodle skirt and saddle shoe mode. So if you want to take the essence of 1950’s retrospect then poodle skirt fad is must for all teenage girl crowds in a theme party.
Thus, to catch the era and aura of 50’s, poodle skirts can do wonder in fashion fiesta even today.
It’s spun around design became the most-wanted skirt among dancers, and thus its full circle style caught the public demand. This in-vogue poodle skirt became the rage in teenage girls.
Easy to sew approach and low price of this felt skirt further made its furor on demand. French poodles became trend for its unparallel appliqués and involuntary color combination. These felt skirts also caught customer’s phantasm due to the silvery telephones and records surrounded by the words "See ya later, alligator".
People of 1950 used to get embellished with the poodle skirt and ponytail, and with chiffon scarves, crinoline petticoats, and cats eye glasses. This kind of petticoat under the poodle skirt used to give more feminine touch.
Poodle skirts with saddle shoes in the black and white oxford requiring more polishing were must-wear for teenagers during those days. Those shoes were accompanied by white cotton socks.
This kind of style statement was very popular among teenage girls in the malt shops and sock hops of the 50's. Many theme parties today can be based on this particular poodle skirt and saddle shoe mode. So if you want to take the essence of 1950’s retrospect then poodle skirt fad is must for all teenage girl crowds in a theme party.
Thus, to catch the era and aura of 50’s, poodle skirts can do wonder in fashion fiesta even today.
Designer Sunglass
Sunglasses are generally meant for eye-protection. While glasses are needed to protect eyes from sunrays then we call them sunglasses. But if they are making your fashion statement too, then probably wearing them would add on more points to your beauty quotient.
If you’re going trendy and need pinch of accessory to boast your persona to a different level, then no doubt designer sunglass will solve your purpose judiciously. Wearing nice pair of sunglasses not only enhances your personality but it also attracts envious eyes to your own fashion trend. Proper eye-protecting sunglasses are in vogue from more than a decade. Just your right pick and choose can do a wondrous change in your overall charm.
So what are you waiting for? Go and grab the smart brand of colored glasses to protect your eyes as well as increase your podium of allurement.
It is easily seen everywhere how the growing trend of wearing designer sunglasses are capturing the market nowadays. For every stratum of people and for every age, it has become mandatory to deck up and enshroud two valuable eyes behind a good pair of sunglasses. Thus, different brand-sellers are as well very finicky about selling their products with the help of popular brand ambassador. Many Hollywood celebrities are endorsing this kind of a product with the charisma of their fame. Since celebrity styles have immense effect on public aura, thus their brand promotion makes a huge difference in case of designer sunglasses as well. Hollywood heart throbs like Nicole Richie, Tom Cruise, Jessica Simpson, and Brad Pitt are there to catch your eyes to the lucrative publicity of certain brands.
You can shop and stop with the choice of your own brand of designer glasses online. Various online stores are readily available to make your purchase viable to you through large directory listing. You can pick your own stylish brand only by sitting at your chair and clicking on the mouse. But before purchasing, be ensured of the damage repair and return policy very distinctively. Since designer sunglasses are expensive and valuable buy for you, so get the assurance of ultraviolet protective lenses and tensile frames at the time of order. These lenses must protect your eyes from dirt, dust and smoke, so that eyes should be safeguarded from different harmful eye diseases. Also with designer sunglasses, authenticity of the product raises the eye brows of the consumer. As many brands are duplicated in a very tricky way.
To name a few leading brand of designer sunglasses are Burberry, Christian Dior, Oakley, Ray-ban,Gucci, Smith, Lacoste etc. Few brands are highly famed for its well-known logo, e.g.-crocodile logo of Lacoste.
Cost of these designer sunglasses vary widely. Extensive array of these famous brands start from approximately 30 dollars. Foster Grant costs 30 dollars. Cartier Frames ranges from 1000 dollars. Cost of oversized Burberry sunglasses are generally 200 dollars. Guess Wraparound sunglasses are found in 90 dollars.
Thus, if you’re really dainty about your brand of colored glasses, then shop a good pair of designer sunglass and let your face look more eye-catching with a fashionable eye-wear.
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